What Makes Employees Stay with a Company?
A company chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If you’re a business owner and are looking to get the most from your business, employee retention should be high on your list of priorities.
In the business world, finding employees can be hard enough, but find good employees? That’s a whole other ballgame entirely. Whether they’re younger workers or seasoned veterans, if you do find talented employees, you should do everything in your power to keep them happy and make them stay.
Company culture varies greatly from one business to the next. While each company mission is different if you do wish to make your employees stay with your business, not only do you need to offer great job satisfaction, you also need to ensure that they’re emotionally invested.
For businesses looking to retain employees, understanding what makes employees stay with a company is very important. To help make your employees stay with you, here are some tips aimed specifically at helping convince workers to stay with a company.
Understand why workers wish to leave
One of the most important things you can do when trying to make your employees stay with your business is understand why they want to leave in the first place.
Employee turnover is so important, but even so, ensuring morale is high and that your staff actually want to come in to work for you is more important than ever. This is where understanding why staff want to leave can be so useful.
Are they unhappy because of a negative company environment? Is there just one person that seems to be dragging everybody else down? Do they not agree with your company mission? Maybe they feel their skill development hasn’t progressed as they would like?
The more you understand about why talented people may wish to leave your company, the more you can do to put things right.
Offer competitive wages
Let’s face it, in today’s economic climate, it doesn’t matter how great a job may be, if you can’t afford to pay your mortgage, or to heat your home, you’re going to have to look for employment elsewhere.
If a company stands by its employees, it should offer them fair and competitive wages. Talented employees likely know their worth, and if you don’t pay them fairly, they’ll have no trouble with emptying their desk and going to a business that does.
Your company mission should be to keep your workforce happy and part of that is paying them what they deserve and giving them good pay. A worker will not stay with a company if they are being underpaid, it’s that simple.
Treat employees like human beings
If one of the objectives of your company’s culture is to retain your best workers, you must ensure that your employees are treated fairly and like human beings.
Employees will need to achieve a healthy work life balance, so most employees will not be happy with working unsociable hours, or constantly being asked to work overtime because you’re short-staffed.
If employees feel wanted and are treated like human beings, they’re more likely to remain loyal to you, so always treat them fairly. Don’t talk down to them, don’t overwork them, and don’t treat them unfairly.
Treat your workers fairly, and likely, they’ll remain loyal to you and your organization.
Provide opportunities for career growth
In terms of what makes employees stay with a company, another great way of maximizing employee retention is to provide opportunities for career development.
It could be that younger workers wish to learn the ropes and develop the necessary skills to climb the corporate ladder and progress up the ranks in your business. If you wish to keep talented people like that happy, you should offer them what they need.
Provide training that will help with skill development and consider courses where they could potentially be promoted and climb the rankings by providing meaningful work.
Create reward for good work

If you want to keep your workers happy and loyal to you, it’s important to provide rewarding behaviors and create reward for good work.
If employees have met targets, hit deadlines, provided big sales, and gone above and beyond what would be expected of them, rewarding them is a great way of improved morale and also showing them how appreciative you are of them.
You could offer them fringe benefits, bonuses, cash incentives, prize draws, weekends away, time off, or early finishes. Not only will the benefits help them stay with your company long term, it will also help other workers to work equally as hard in the hopes of enjoying the same perks, along with meaningful recognition.
Look for ways of boosting morale

If you’re looking to help your workers remain loyal to your company, while enabling you to meet your company goals in the process, try to find ways of boosting morale.
If morale is consistently high, it is a very effective tool for business. Research shows that happy employees are far more likely to work harder and more productively than employees with a negative mindset.
Try to create a positive work environment by doing things such as scheduling team activities, or offering things like job flexibility, fair compensation, a relaxed environment and the ability for them to achieve a healthy work life balance. You could also go on days out as a team, or embark on team building activities or weekends away where you can work together, bond, and ultimately have fun as a team.
Not only that, but a survey found that the other benefits that go with boosting employee morale, including worker loyalty.
Don’t work them unreasonably hard

Remember, at the end of the day, no matter how many benefits you may offer your workers, they are still only human beings, and they can therefore only do so much in a working day.
No matter how many jobs you may have on, or how many deadlines you need to meet, you should never give your employees more work than they can realistically handle. If you do, they will soon decide to leave your company and look for employment elsewhere.
If you want rates of higher productivity in the future, make sure that you give your workers a fair workload without trying to overwork them.
As great as your workers may be, if they are pushed too hard, they will decide to leave your company and find one where they will be given a much more manageable workload in the future.
Help them achieve a healthy work life balance
Nobody wants to be working all of the time, no matter how great a company may be.
If you want to ensure that your workers remain loyal and happy at your company, make sure you help them to achieve a healthy work life balance between their work life and their home life.
Don’t pester them at weekends, don’t ask them to work overtime, and don’t ask them to stay late unless you absolutely have to, and only then, do this very sparingly.
Provide a healthy company culture
How you run your company is up to you. What we will say however, is that if you are too strict with your company policies, or too uptight, you can expect some of your employees to pack their desk and leave.
Try not to be too strict with your workforce and try to ensure that ultimately, you provide a happy, positive, healthy culture and company environment to help ensure your workforce is nicely at ease.
Offer more perks
If you are concerned that skilled workers may be tempted by another company, another tip for keeping them at your company is to offer more perks.
Perks such as healthcare, dental plans, remote working options, flexible schedules, and even more recognition for hard work can all be considered the most important factors deployed by leaders and managers for keeping staff members on board.
Boost employee retention with positive feedback

If you really want to keep talented employees happy at work, be sure to provide positive feedback.
As far as learning and career development is concerned, positive feedback attracts talented employees. The main purpose talented employees succeed is all down to positive feedback from their managers.
If an employee has done a good job, tell them and let them know just how impressed with them you are. Sit down with them and discuss their personal and professional goals and the possibility f employee referrals.
If you wish to retain talented employees ultimately, you will need to tell them what a fantastic job they are doing and how appreciative of them you really are.
Be fair with talented employees
Finally, if you wish to retain your employees and offer them career growth in the process, you need to be fair with them.
Just because innovative workplace employees demonstrates a natural ability for work, that does not mean that you should overwork them and give them more work than the other employees.
All employees need to be treated equally and fairly. Be fair with your workers, and they'll be fair with you.
Good Tasting Coffee: How to Identify Coffee Flavors

In order to appreciate the different types of coffee available, it's important to cultivate an awareness of its unique characteristics. Let's take a look at the way coffee connoisseurs judge different cups of coffee.

The scent of a cup of coffee has a direct influence on how we perceive its flavor. As you drink coffee try to notice if the scent is smoky, fruity, earthy, spicy, nutty or grassy.
One of the most defining characteristics of a cup of coffee is its acidity. This is the sharp, bright tangy quality of coffee that perks up our senses. Coffee doesn’t necessarily contain just one type of acid, either. It may contain citric acid, malic acid (fruity in flavor) or even quinic acid from stale coffee, which gives us stomach aches.
This is the weight, thickness and texture of coffee in your mouth. The body of different types of coffee falls on a spectrum of light- to full-bodied viscosity (thin to thick).
This is where comparisons come in handy and there is some overlap between aroma and flavor. Your coffee might taste bitter, sweet, savory or sour with common comparisons to chocolate, wine or fruit.
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